Windrush Day 2019

At 7 a.m. today a ship the Empire Windrush berthed at Tilbury with 417 "Sons of the Empire" on board. After returning to their home land after the war, these Jamaicans found many unemployed in the island, and they hope to find the answer in England. Although there will be countless difficulties It is understood that every effort is being made to find accommodation for them , and to find them work. It is understood that 52 are volunteering for the forced and 204 are going to friends in this country. 22 June 1948

The Empire Windrush generation and the continuing struggle for Black Education: Lessons to be learnt?

 These statistics are profoundly important to the Windrush legacy.  First they counter the discourse of black children educational…

embroidered handkerchief by her grandmother as she boarded the Surriento in Barbados on her way to the UK in 1958. She was told not to open it until she landed on British soil. It had never been out of her keeping until she loaned to to the Migration Museum for an exhibition in 2017. © Migration Museum Project

The arrival of the Empire Windrush on 22 June 1948 has come to symbolise the dawning of a new age of post-war migration to Britain.

in overcoming challenges, discrimination, and in many cases overt racism, to start new lives, build and enrich communities…

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Black History Month


Online Events Friday 28 February

Black History Trivia

Join us for a fun night of testing your knowledge on Black history through trivia questions and learn…

Sheffield Saturday 1 March

Ultimate Rnb

We are very pleased to welcome Ultimate RnB to Sheffield Network for a high quality tribute to some…