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Back Babas Emmanuel or Emma as he is called was born infected with HIV. He doesn’t remember his parents as they died when he was a young boy. At the age of fifteen this terrible disease began to defeat him. Compassion a non-governmental organization stepped in to offer assistance. Paying for anti-retrovirals and his medical bills. In an effort to save his life. ©Vanessa Vick

The History of AIDS in Africa

There is now conclusive evidence that HIV originated in Africa. A 10-year study completed in 2005 found a…

Ms Kamara trained and worked as a teacher and civil servant in Sierra Leone, visiting the UK during the 1970s, but moved to London for medical reasons in 1987, settling in Hackney two years later.

African London

Africans were brought to London in the late 16th century because of Britain’s role in the slave trade….

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Black History Month


Online Events Friday 28 February

Black History Trivia

Join us for a fun night of testing your knowledge on Black history through trivia questions and learn…

Sheffield Saturday 1 March

Ultimate Rnb

We are very pleased to welcome Ultimate RnB to Sheffield Network for a high quality tribute to some…