This month we celebrate the huge achievements of Black Britons and the Black community.
I have immense admiration for the Black Britons who have helped shaped our country’s history and culture. Iconic…
I have immense admiration for the Black Britons who have helped shaped our country’s history and culture. Iconic…
Not many will have heard the name Asquith Xavier, nor will they be aware of how the brave family man who faced racial…
Looking back, I never made a conscious decision to become an ally to the BAME community (as no one…
The prevalent Windrush narrative belies the fact that there were African nurses born in Britain or from Africa…
I first read about John Myers about five years ago and have always been interested in him. He…
The problem with BAME is that it lumps everyone who’s non-white together in one category. Never mind if…
Words are not merely tools to describe things, ideas or concepts. Words often come with loaded meaning. At…
When we examine how racial ideas were produced and circulated in Britain, however, it becomes ever more apparent…
It wasn’t until the following year when the Windrush Compensation Scheme was officially launched. Insufficient, delayed and overly…
I’m a young, married, professional Black father. And I don’t exist. Back in 2017, I wrote about my…
Football is faster than it has ever been today. That’s what you hear the old pros say. But…
2020 was undoubtably annus horribilis for Britain‘s Windrush Generation and their descendants. It was soul destroying as systemic…
For countless generations people of African and Caribbean descent have been shaping our nation’s story, making a huge…
In 2020, conversations on race relations and race related issues have come to the fore in light of…
Pan-London voluntary group BTWSC/African Histories Revisited and related associations expect to productively occupy your Mondays in September, by…
Some of the virtual carnivals were pre-recorded, others were live streamed, all were testament to the die-hards of…
I was honoured to be asked, and being the first person from an ethnic minority to fill the…
RE:IMI Releases George Floyd-Inspired UK Music Industry Race/Ethnicity And Racism-Facing Report On The 3rd Month Of His Murder*…
John Edward Parris (31 January 1911 – 1971), known as Eddie or Ted Parris, was the first Black…
How did British systems of slavery shape the lives of Africans and their descendants? What tactics did Africans use for survival, and…