A PowerMove* was called by Nu-Beginning for July 16 2017 in order to photo document the coming together of African individuals and community organisations by ‘Cleopatra’s Needle’ – the ancient Egyptian monument by London’s Embankment.
BlackIceTV7 were on hand, with Mr Riggs interviewing a number of the people who turned up. This video, which focuses on the interview with music industry and history consultant Kwaku (BritishBlackMusic.com/Black Music Congress, BTWSC/African Histories Revisited), is culled from the second part of the videos of the event posted at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CozBLqG9FjM
For more details of Kwaku’s activities, visit www.BBM.eventbrite.com for music, www.HarrowBHM.eventbrite.com and www.AfricanHistoryPlus.eventbrite.com for African history and community events.
* One of the methods used to help implement economic growth is through an initiative called PowerMove – a collective of leading organisations, businesses and individuals within the community sharing a power move moment by participating in a major photo shoot at a historical location. The photo shoot will not only celebrate the achievements and influence that each entity has had within the community, but will also serve as a promotional spread for future collaborative or individual projects.