Women, do you wonder about your history?
About the stories and the lullabies of legacies.
The tales of those who pioneered the present you’ve received
Who overcame adversity to present you with this opportunity.
You rode the great railroad she paved below the plains.
You are the product of a generation once enslaved.
Your injuries and wounds were treated by her expertise.
Despite the prejudice she faced, she attended to your every need.
She saw that “the freedom gates [were] still [but] half ajar”
Her endeavours have led to women now being where they are.
Through her masterful manipulation of organic chemistry,
She brought to you a brand-new treatment for leprosy.
Her cosmetics and hair products cultivated unseen opulence,
And this entrepreneuring philanthropist gave out of her abundance.
She was the first to obtain her long sought college degree,
And as a result, her name remains engraved in history.
Her mathematical prowess was beyond comprehension
This human computer was vital in spearheading space exploration.
Her supreme performance in Motown was a sight to behold,
Now there ain’t no mountain high enough to stop you from reaching your goals.
From the Paris university, she received her PhD.
One cannot therefore dismiss her academic prestige.
Through the Bible, the bath and the broom she educated many women,
Showing you that your role extends far beyond the kitchen.
For thirty years she was denied her accredited patent,
But her sanitary belt was a revolutionary development.
She was the democratic nominee for the US Presidency;
Taking a resolute stand for economic, social and political equality.
Her poetry and autobiographies were pieces of literary mastery,
Rising above all acts of abysmal adversity.
I wonder about these women, and all others incarcerated by ignorance
Whether what they have done for you has any substantial significance.
Yet each one has paved a new path for us to perceive, so
Women, wander further down the road of history
I am a 16 year old poet. I have loved poetry and literature for as long as I can remember, and can always be found writing something. My parents have fuelled my passion, encouraging me to write poems for their friends, for example a house warming poem. I entered this competition from the prompting of one of my teachers, after I participated in the school competition. Poetry is a vessel for expression, for honest and unedited emotion, I love to utilise this tool to present my take on the world and our history. Thank you for inspiring the youth with opportunities like this.