What is the Event Fund?
- The Event Fund is part of the Council’s Mainstream Grants allocation specifically for arts and cultural events.
- Small grants for high quality public events and festivals, which are accessible to, and of benefit to the community, which take place in Tower Hamlets.
- It is the objective of the Event Fund to help support the Tower Hamlets Community Plans outcomes and contribute towards its five themes and to meet the Mayor’s priorities: Regeneration and the creation of Sustainable Communities; Creating Jobs and supporting the growth of the Local Economy; Young People and Schools; Older People and Health; Community Safety and Community Cohesion; Environment and Public Realm; and Arts, Heritage, Leisure and Culture.
The Event Fund Aims to:
- Improve access to arts based events.
- Encourage good practice.
- Provide arts activities where few exist particularly in areas of the borough which receive less funding support for events.
- Improve the quality of festivals and events in Tower Hamlets.
- Extend the potential of events to develop audiences, encourage participation and increase community involvement.
- Allow for more adventurous or ambitious programming.
- Promote community cohesion and cross-cultural understanding
How much is available?
- The Budget is £52k, and operates on a 12 month rolling programme from 1 April to 31st March and approximately 45 – 50 events receive funding each year.
- The maximum that can be applied for is £2500, however most grants range from £500 to £1500.
- Amounts awarded take into consideration factors such as subsidy per head, cost, other funding and artistic value of the project and it’s benefits and how it fits into the Council’s strategic plan and the Mayor’s priorities. Details of these can be found on www.towerhamlets.gov.uk
When can you apply?
- There are monthly deadlines the next being Thursday 30th June for events in September 2016, the deadline for Events in October is Thursday 28th July. Deadlines generally fall on the first Thursday of the month approximately 2 months before the event. However there are some exceptions for months where demand is higher. The timetable is on the front page of the Guidelines which can be downloaded from www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/arts
- Events must take place before 31st March 2017 and take place within Tower Hamlets although applicants do not have to be Tower Hamlets based.
How to apply:
This QR code will take you to the Event Fund page of our website where there is a link to the guidelines and to the online application form. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/arts
All applications must now be completed using the online application system, in line with the mainstream grants application process.
The link to the application form is on our website if you go to the Arts and Events Team page and click on the Event Fund link.
The events must demonstrate Benefit as outlined in the Guidelines and Criteria which can be downloaded from the Event Fund web page.
- Community Theatre, Arts Events, Festivals
- Film Festivals
- Arts and Dance Projects
- Site Specific Events
- Youth Arts Projects
- Workshops leading to performance / event
- Participatory Arts Projects
- Special events such as commemorative projects marking the Anniversary of WW1 or the Queen’s 90th Birthday
For more information on eligibility please refer to the Guidelines and Criteria.
- LBTH Arts and Events website (current external funding streams, marketing support, directories etc) www.towerhamlets.org.uk/arts
- Tower Hamlets Open4community, the Community funding support website for the Tower Hamlets area. An online service – offering help & advice and top tips for:
- Applying for funding (Government, Lottery & Trust)
- Developing a fundraising strategy
- Making applications: what to say and how to sign off.
- Setting up a voluntary organisation or community group
Further information:
Become Facebook friends: http://www.facebook.com/TowerHamletsEvents
Email: festivalsandevents@towerhamlets.gov.uk
Follow us on Twitter: @thevents
Telephone 020 7364 7900
Website: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/arts