A FREE online event that you, your friends and family can enjoy.
The wonderful Donna Spence shares her gems, and the Classically British Ballet Company visits the Black Heroes Soul Food Cafe!
Old School Songs, Black History, Books, Videos, Exercise, Dance, Spoken Word, Open Mic, Guest Celebrity artists and YOU.
We welcome the Seniors of our community.
Feed your soul every Friday in October 7:30pm-9:00pm
Open Mic Entrants:
A maximum of 1:30 minutes on the night! Please email a short 30 sec clip of your performance, with your full name and phone number to Info@blackheroesfoundation.org before 12 noon on Friday.
A Black Heroes Foundation project. Developing cultural awareness, promoting a world where Black Heroes are acknowledged, respected and celebrated.
A Black History Month event, that runs throughout the year! Every month is a Black History Month.
A celebration of black men and women whose contributions are recognised in the creation of freedom, equality and world peace, and whose achievements have made history and created excellence in the world of science, sports and entertainment.
The artistic vision for Black Heroes Soul Food Cafe performances is inspired by the original Black Heroes in the Hall of Fame show, that is celebrated nationally and internationally, for its moving tribute to 5000 years of Black History.
A celebration of black men and women whose contributions are recognised in the creation of freedom, equality and world peace, and whose achievements have made history and created excellence in the world of science, sports and entertainment.
Please support us by making a donation and joining us for an evening of socialising and Edutainment.
Please visit: http://www.blackheroesfoundation.org
Please donate: https://localgiving.org/charity/Black-Heroes/
To register for tickets https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-black-heroes-virtual-soul-food-cafe-in-the-comfort-of-your-home-tickets-127110879061?aff=eand