BTWSC/AHR Convenes British African History Forum Ahead Of African History Month
Community organisation BTWSC/African Histories Revisited (BTWSC/AHR) has convened a Zoom meeting on Monday Sep. 27, 6-9pm ahead of next month’s African History Month (AHM). It’s essentially a forum for anybody interested in, or involved in delivering, British African History programmes within academic and community history spaces, to have their say.
Attendees of the What’s British African History? A Free Online Discussion Forum will hear about some of the the organisations delivering within the community. Also to be highlighted are some of the recent or upcoming courses offered in higher education.
History consultant Kwaku will spotlight some of BTWSC/AHR’s Monday Xtra History History Sessions, which he usually leads with an original or mash up video each week, 6-9pm via Zoom until Dec. 20.
Of particular interest to those interested in the history of what’s being celebrated are the following events: The True History Of African/Black History Month In The UK (Nov. 29), African History In Britain: Those Who Built The Foundation (Dec. 6), UK African Women Self-Organising (Dec. 20). BTWSC/AHR has also partnered with University of Massachusetts, Amherst Libraries, holders of the WEB Du Bois Collection, for Marking The Centenary Of 1921 Pan-African Congress In London (Nov. 22)
There are a couple of non-Monday events: Police And The Criminalising Of British African Youths By Numbers takes place on Thursday Sep. 30, which features guest presenter scholar-activist and ‘Black Resistance To British Policing’ author Dr Adam Elliott-Cooper; and Racism, Crime And Policing In The Johnson-(Cummings)-Sewell/Dick Moment!, which takes place on Wednesday Oct. 27, led by veteran community activist and historian Bro Cecil Gutzmore.
For the full programme or to book: https://AfricanHistoryPlus.eventbrite.com.