When we think of having two jobs nowadays, we might think of having a side hustle – a way to make some extra money in our spare time. Corporal (Cpl) Yvonne Asamoah-Tawiah has taken that one step further though: not only is she an HR Specialist in the British Army, she’s also an international recording artist.
“I’m getting into my fourth year as an international gospel singer. I am where I am because the Army has supported my vision – I am thriving with the support of my line managers so far,” she explained. “I want to impact positively wherever I find myself – whether that’s in the Army or in the Ministry.”
As Minister Yvonne, she has thousands of followers on social media who have kept her songs and music videos about healing, hope and encouragement in the UK Gospel Music Chart for weeks. This led to her being recognised by the Ghana Music Awards as the UK-based Gospel Artist of the Year in 2021, before winning the Best Gospel Song of the Year in 2022.
Cpl Asamoah was in the gospel choir growing up in Ghana and eventually joined the International Central Gospel Church when she moved to the UK. She credits her current success to this long history with gospel singing and serving God. “It’s my foundation. I was nurtured through the choir and I’m a better singer today because of all those years singing with instrumentation,” she explained. “There has to be both talent and a calling with gospel singing – it’s not like R&B. You have to be moved by the Holy Spirit – He takes over and to experience it one-on-one is a lot.”
She’s also part of the Defence Christian Network (DCN): “I had a meeting with the Army lead for the DCN last year and that’s when they handed over the cross to me as an official Ambassador. When I’m available I go and help – I propagate God’s work and identify those who are believers and are carrying the mantel of Christ,” she said.
Cpl Asamoah has decided against becoming an Army Chaplain though. “I initially joined the Royal Logistic Corps as a supplier and then transferred to HR in the Adjutant General’s Corps, which is my calling as I studied Banking and Finance at the Central University in Ghana,” she explained. “A couple of years ago I was considering becoming a military Padre as I’m around them all the time! But I would have had to leave my job and rejoin, which I didn’t want to do.”
It was also in 2021 that Cpl Asamoah led the largest military band in the UK, three choirs and an entire congregation when she sang Amazing Grace for the BBC’s Remembrance Day coverage. “I’m not an Army musician but if I’m invited to something like that – of course I want to go. I didn’t really realise how big it would be but it ended up being hundreds of people: all the Padres were there, the Military Wives Choir, the Fiji Military Forces Band and the Band of the Household Cavalry. And I was standing front and centre to lead all the other singers.”
After a decade in the British Army, a new single out and a European tour of her music on the horizon, is it time for Minister Yvonne to hang up her boots? “I love having two jobs. In terms of the Army, I want to get to the next rank of Sergeant and commission as an officer from there. And on the Ministry side of things, I’m promoting my album throughout the next year and I’m in talks with other international artists about some potential collaborations. I’ve got a lot of surprises coming up!”
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Army Engagement: https://jobs.army.mod.uk/engage/