De Montfort University was also successful in renewing its bronze award in the July 2017 submission round and is one of 10 other Race Equality Charter bronze award holders.
Launched in January 2016, Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education. It provides a framework which member institutions draw on to identify and address institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of racial equality. There are currently 44 member institutions.
Sarah Dickinson Hyams, Head of Equality Charters at Advance HE, said:
“In achieving the Race Equality Charter bronze award institutions are beginning their journey to address racial inequality by demonstrating a solid foundation for eliminating racial bias and a commitment to developing an inclusive culture.
“Congratulations to the University of Oxford and De Montfort University for demonstrating their continued effort towards ensuring individuals from all ethnic backgrounds benefit equally from the opportunities higher education provides.
Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter covers professional and support staff, academic staff, student progression and attainment, and diversity of the curriculum. By becoming a member of the Charter, institutions are committing to following five fundamental guiding principles in how they approach race equality and address their institutional culture.”
The full list of award holders and members is available on our website: www.ecu.ac.uk/equality-charters/race-equality-charter/members-award-holders/
Further information on joining Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter is available on our website or by contacting our Equality Charters team at racecharter@advance-he.ac.uk