The University of Bath will be having a couple of Summer Open Days on 16th and 17th June and is looking to increase the number of students from BME communities
Speaking with the Diversity Dashboard; Marlene Bertrand, Equality and Diversity Manager at University of Bath ” Although student numbers have increased in recent years, some groups are still under-represented in higher education ”
“We would like all students whatever their background to consider the University of Bath as a study destination, coming to one of our Open Days is a great way to experience what it’s really like to live and study here.”
“In 2016 we will be running three main Open Days. You’ll have a chance to talk to current students, view accommodation, see our sports facilities and our facilities for the arts. You’ll also be able to get a flavour of the clubs and societies on offer. You could even stay overnight ”
You do not need to book a space on to the Open Day itself, however booking on to our talks and tours is essential. Bookings for our talks is now open.
If you apply to study here, you may be invited to a Department Open Day. You can also visit campus at a time that suits you.
Got a question?
Email us opendays@bath.ac.uk
Phone us 01225 385985