Great Black Britons

1986: Diane Abbott, the new labour MP for Hackney and Stoke Newington makes history today (12/6/87). Miss Abbott, 32, a Cambridge graduate and a member of Labour's hard left, becomes the country's first black woman MP. Picture taken 18/2/86 when she was an equality officer for the union ACTT.

Diane Abbott: A Legacy of Courage, Change, and Endurance

In a political landscape that often marginalises those who dare to be different, Diane Abbott has stood tall…

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Black History Month


Islington Wednesday 5February

Cuba, Africa, and Apartheid’s End

Mandela: “The decisive defeat of the aggressive apartheid forces [in Angola] destroyed the myth of the invincibility of…

Leicester Saturday 8 February

Sophie Duker: But Daddy, I Love Her!

Sophie Duker is BACK! The Taskmaster champ is back on tour and dealing with her (sugar) daddy issues in a hilarious…