Join us virtually on the 20th October for this expert seminar with Patrick Vernon OBE (social commentator and campaigner) which will help participants to better understand diversity and inclusion issues and will give them the confidence to address issues that may arise in the workplace.
Over the course of this two-hour seminar, Patrick Vernon will share his unique experience and insight as a high-profile national commentator and campaigner, having successfully led the Windrush Campaign against the UK Government in 2018, with a focus on how individuals and organisations can better understand the various forms of racism, as well as racial bias and the issues affecting the black community in the context of the current climate and black history.
The session will include a panel discussion, involving Andy Begley, Chief Executive, and Cllr Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council
If your organisation is looking to develop, refresh or refocus its Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, this seminar will assist organisations to identify appropriate behaviours and to upskill staff across the business to feel more comfortable, confident, and competent when dealing with race related issues.