She is Royal, focuses on enabling women to see their invisible crowns and to feel empowered to achieve and accomplish anything.
She is Royal, focuses on enabling women to see their invisible crowns and to feel empowered to achieve and accomplish anything that they set their mind to. It was started to help women to be the best that they can be and to be comfortable in their own skin. Not emulating masculinity but finding strength in their femininity. Our symbol is that of a lioness. A lioness symbolizes greatness, leadership and boldness. In her kingdom she is not only in charge of nurturing her loved ones but she and her friends are in charge of hunting and feeding their pride. They work together to fulfil their purpose.
The women that are part of the She Is Royal movement do exactly that. They work together and support each other to be greater human beings. We provide a platform for women from many different backgrounds. Through our workshops, courses and events, women are encouraged to have a voice, remove their masks (the pretentiousness that society forces on them) and to gain new life skills that enable them to take on the world and whatever role it throws at them be at a mother, wife, sister, daughter, CEO, nurse, doctor and the list goes on.
Join us for our 8th Annual Conference where we will be celebrating womanhood and unleashing crowns.
We will have an amazing line up of key note speakers who are specialists in their fields, life coaches and special performances.