Women Walking In Authority

Sat 16 September 2017 09:30 – 19:30

This year our theme is Women Walking In Authority” and if ever there is a time for Christian women to rise up and possess what God has for us, the time is NOW! Each of you have visions, dreams and ministry gifts inside of you and I believe it’s time for you to give birth! No longer are we going to keep giving God (and ourselves) excuses or let fear paralyse us from fulfilling our destiny. This is the year we will stand up and exercise our spiritual authority to pursue our passion and purpose!

Throughout the entire conference, we have lined up a host of powerful, anointed speakers, who will share spiritual nuggets with you from the Word about how to Walk in your Authority.

Here is an outline of this years event.

Conference Timetable:

Teas coffees on arrival:

9.30-10.15 Registration, Praise & Worship Team

10.15-10.30 Housekeeping & Prayer: Evangelist Paulette Parkes

10.30-10.50 Conference Opening Remarks: Evangelist Cynthia Morrison

10.50-11.30 Keynote: ‘Women Walking In Authority’: Dr Wyona Norman

Breakout sessions – Real Women of Purpose:


Birthing Through Pain (Hannah) Ps. Dawn Davis Lawrence

Mentoring & Maturity (Deborah) Prophetess Jacqueline Ani

Younger Women with Destiny (Ruth) Rhona Mpologoma

From Brokenness to Wholeness (Tamar) Kudakwashe Nyakudya

12.55-13.00 Round-up: Evangelist Cynthia Morrison

13.00-14.30 LUNCH

14.30-15.10 Ministry in Song: Guest Psalmists

15.15-16.00 ‘Women Walking In Authority’: Ps Marjorie Esomowei

16.00-16.15 BREAK

16.15-17.45 A Gospel Musical Play – ‘Take Me Back’ Angie Le Mar – Comedian, Author & Playwrite

17.45-18.15 Singing Ministry: Guest Psalmists

18.15-19.00 Panel Discussion with Actors: Evangelist Cynthia Morrison

Altar Ministry

PPP ends

No crèche facilities

First aid nurses and counsellors will be available on the day

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