Time for Change: Action not Words

Thursday 27th October

“Today for you, tomorrow for me!” – Lynda-Louise Burrell – Managing Editor for Black History Month UK


“There is a Caribbean saying that perfectly describes the need to work together and support one another’s self-realisation for the benefit of society as a whole… ‘Today for you, tomorrow for me!’” – Lynda-Louise Burrell Managing Editor for Black History Month UK

Lynda-Louise Burrell & Catherine Ross the founder and Director MUSEUMAND will talk about Black History Month UK and the work of MUSEUMAND.

MUSEUMAND is the National Caribbean Heritage Museum, a social history and community museum celebrating and commemorating the Caribbean contribution to the UK. As a museum “without walls” they connect with communities across the UK, through art, music, performance and more. Dedicated to preserving Caribbean history, heritage and culture in original and unusual ways.

The theme of Black History Month UK is Time for Change: Action Not Words. In the Housing Sector there is a lack of people of colour in senior leadership and board positions. We are joined by UNIFY to talk about the work they are doing with the G15 and other partners to address this issue.

UNIFY was formed in 2016 by people of colour to make sure the voices of diverse colleagues in the social housing sector are heard. Their programme LeadershipNOW! is now in its third year and they have just launched the G15 Development Director’s Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Network.

Following our guest speakers, you will have an opportunity to network over light refreshments provided by Winckworth Sherwood.

Unable to attend in person?

We recognise that not everyone will be able to join us in person and we are able to offer online access, if this is something you require please email HouseProud_lgbt@outlook.com