Black Cowboys and Cowgirls, real & imagined

Thu, 14 May 2020 18:30 – 21:00

Presentation on the real history of African-American heroes in the ‘Wild West’ and their representation on Hollywood movies

About this Event

In the 60s and 70s Westerns were the blockbusters of the day. Many such movies ignored the actual history of African-American cowboys and ‘girls’ but some films did reflect that 25% of them were black. In this interactive, audio-visual presentation, we will cover:

  • Real black superheroes of the Wild West
  • Black female gunslingers
  • The Western effect in the Caribbean and Africa
  • Whitewashed westerns
  • Black action stars past to present
  • Civil Rights in cinema, hidden messages

Check out our other talks,walks, films, black history river cruises and bus tours at

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