White Mirror – Anti-Racist Reflection Group

April 20, 2021 Tue, 18:30 - 20:00

White Mirror Anti Racist Reflection Group

Who are we?

Hey, we are Claudia & Jamie, we are professional group facilitators with a history of working in LGBT inclusion and awareness and with wider social justice issues. In June 2020 we facilitated Anti-Racist Chats for White People and have since then been working with a black supervisor, reflecting on how best to use our privilege and skills.

What is this space?

White Mirror is a working group for reflection and discussion on whiteness, white privilege, white supremacy and anti-racist actions.

We invite fellow white people into this space to consider and work with their white privilege, relationship to white supremacy and commit to anti-racist actions.

This is a space that aims to further anti-racist social justice. This means that as well as engaging in discussion, we will all be expected to commit to at least one action per session and a self-reflection of how racism has shown up for us over the past month. A theme of the space will be accountability. The name ‘White Mirror’ is about reflection, holding ourselves and each other to account.

What is this space not?

This group is not an opportunity to simply scratch the itch of being a ‘good ally’. We expect us all to feel uncomfortable at times, if not throughout. You won’t get a whistle-stop tour of everything you need to know about whiteness and anti-racism in one session, or all the sessions for that matter. We are creating a practice of continued learning.

This is not a space to debate whether racism exists, whether any of us are exempt from racism or whether racism is built into the structures of our society e.g. the justice system, economy or education etc. If you are unsure about any of these topics or wish to discuss them in more detail, we recommend you check out the following resources before coming along to the space:


  • Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race – Reni Eddo-Lodge
  • Me & White Supremacy – Leyla Saad
  • Intersectionality Matters – Kimberley Crenshaw
  • Natives – Akala


  • About Race – Reni Eddo-Lodge (Spotify)
  • The Black Curriculum
  • Why The Windrush Scandal Was No Accident – The British Dream


  • The Unwanted: The Secret Windrush Files

Additional Information:

The standard cost of these sessions is £10 and there will be 5 low income £5 spaces available. Approximately £100 of the money raised will go to supervision for the facilitators with Humblebee Creative in order to hold our own development to account. The remaining proceeds will be donated to community groups and campaigns supporting black communities and social justice for black people.

We are the facilitators of this space but we are not experts on racism, anti-racism or the experiences of black, indigenous and people of colour. We intend to create a space where we are all reflecting and learning together.

As facilitators we want this space to be safe and welcoming for people at all levels and we welcome suggestions for themes and discussion points for future sessions.

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