Session 3: Black Lives Matter – Where Do We Go From Here?

Wednesday 1 December 2021

The 1st October marks the beginning of Black History Month in Britain. I believe it’s poignant, considering the disproportionate impact that Covid-19 has had on people of colour and the concerns raised via the Black Lives Matter movement last year.


I t also comes with opportunities:

  • to recgonise what’s wrong,
  • celebrate the positives
  • and to determine how to move forward to a more positive and inclusive future.

For such transformation to be effective, there is a need to first have a real understanding of the challenges and issues. Leaders have a key role of making sense of the world and to help other people – most especially those they lead to do the same. During Black History Month, I will be creating a “Thinking Space” for small groups of Senior Executive Decision Makers to reflect on some of the issues of race and privilege” helping for more effective dialogue and action within your organisation and beyond. The third event on Black Lives Matter – Where Do We Go From Here? is on the 4th November.

The events will run as Zoom discussions operating under the Chatham House rule, The discussions will be recorded to enable the production of discussion reports.

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