Paul Crooks reveals his top tips and strategies for tracing African ancestry and how you can get access to one-to-one expert advice.
Learn from Paul’s pioneering research methods, which rely solely on public records held in British archives and repositories. Overcome barriers that may hinder family history research and gain insight into the range of approaches used by experienced researchers.
Participants will gain invaluable insights into:
- Top strategies for tracing African diasporan roots, focusing on Caribbean and African American lineages.
- Effective use of public records and other resources to uncover ancestral paths.
- Navigating common hurdles encountered in Black family history research.
Who is this talk for?
This talk is suitable for you if:
- You are new to exploring family history.
- You have some experience searching for your ancestors and are interested in learning about additional sources of information.
- You have started your genealogical search but are encountering difficulties in progressing further.
- You want to enhance your knowledge and understanding of Black History.
Receive discounted access to one-on-one advice on tracing your African ancestry with Paul Crooks, a Genealogy Specialist. More details will be available upon completing your registration for this event. Trailer video: https://youtu.be/tz-KU_v2tLY
How to gain access to this event
This talk will be held over Zoom. Details of how to join the session will be in your registration confirmation email.
Plus Ticket: Along with event access, Plus Ticket holders will receive a digital copy of the ‘Africans, Irish, and the Music of the Caribbean’ eBook, delivered via email after the-event.
Trailer video: https://youtu.be/T-K6Yp-UW8s
Premium Ticket: Premium access includes all Plus offerings, plus a digital copy of Paul Crooks’ latest novel ‘Descendants,’ sent to you electronically after the event.
Trailer video: https://youtu.be/BmI8rTjUEmE
Deluxe Ticket: Deluxe attendees enjoy all Premium benefits, with the added bonus of the ‘DNA Testing Demystified: Separating Fact from Fiction in Genealogy’ eBook to deepen your understanding of genealogy sent to you electronically after the event.
Trailer video: https://youtu.be/mQanCy3o1XM
About the speaker
Trailblazing family historian Paul Crooks pioneered research into Black genealogy during the 1990s. He traced his family history from London, back 6 generations, to ancestors enslaved on a sugar plantation in North America.
Paul was told that it would be impossible to trace records of slave-ownership let alone his Ancestors enslaved on plantations in North America. “No one had tried because such records did not exist.” Undeterred, he embarked on a journey of discovery that led from suburban North London to North America and ultimately back to the Gold Coast.
His books, Ancestors and A Tree Without Roots – The Guide To Tracing British, African and Asian Caribbean Ancestry brought him international recognition for his breakthrough research into Black genealogy.
Paul is credited with inspiring an upsurge in interest in Black and British ancestry. He is also recognised for having spawned an industry in African Caribbean genealogy.
Be sure to follow Black History Speaker Paul Crooks on Eventbrite!