Black & British History: Jamaica’s Akan Maroon War

Monday 25 October 2021

Is Jamaica’s Akan Maroon war the most empowering history of African Caribbean and African American resistance to the system of slavery?


When researching his family’s Black history, Paul Crooks discovered his great great great grandfather walked free from a sugar plantation in Jamaica in 1838. Paul wanted to know what lay behind the decision to free the enslaved people of the Caribbean.

Did the Maroon war set in motion the decline of European transatlantic enslavement?

In this talk, Paul will discuss

  • the Akan Maroons of Jamaica who set the scene for liberation struggles to come
  • resistance to the system of enslavement in the Caribbean and North America, as an epic military struggle.
  • evidence that the maroon war led ultimately to the demise of slavery in the British Colonies.

You’ll draw your own conclusion on a particularly turbulent time in the British Colonies in the Caribbean.

Who is this talk for?

The talk is suitable for you if

  • you want to develop your knowledge and understanding of th relationship between African Caribbean history and African American history
  • you’re new to exploring family history

Come and ask questions about how to start exploring family history. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be inspired to explore your Ancestry.

How to get the Event link

This online talk will be held over Zoom. Details of how to join the session will be in your registration confirmation email.

Be sure to follow Ancestry Talks on Eventbrite!

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