African Enslavement: Objective Analysis, Subjective Reflection

Saturday 27 November 2021

Black History Studies presents African Enslavement: Objective Analysis, Subjective Reflection & Applied Wisdom with Paul Obinna


African enslavement as a process has been ongoing since the Arab invasion of Kemet in AD641 and the following Transaharan or North African Process of almost 1,400 years. Converted Moors led the invasion of Iberia in AD 711 which created the European Resistance known as the ‘Reconquista’ between AD 722 and AD 1249 in Portugal and AD 1492 in Spain.

After 800 years in AD1441 European enslavement of Africans began, led by the retaliatory drive by the Portuguese for the actions of the Moorish & Turkish Barbary Corsairs who had slaved Europeans from Iceland to Iberia from the establishment of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th Century.

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