Teenager Billie, a 15-year-old girl who fantasises having Billie Holiday as a fairy godmother, and younger brother Nico share time between their separated parents.
Visits to their mum introduce them to new friend Malik, a boy as equally adrift as they are. Half in desperation and half in a spirit of adventure this trio sets off on a running wild trek across Massachusetts, crossing paths with a variety of American eccentrics and desperados.
An intimate and hugely personal wok from Rockwell, the film is shot in rich monotone (with occasional bursts of colour) and largely from the hip, both of which lend the distinctive feel of the ‘90s indie films with which Rockwell made his name.
Welcome to the SMILE African, Caribbean , Asian Down Syndrome (ACADS) Launch event! Join us on Sat 18th January at 11.30 AM at the Windrush Millennium Centre….