ForMission Mentor Training – Manchester, Dates 2017-2018:
22-23 September 2017
19-20 January 2018
8-9 June 2018
We are pleased to offer our mentor training programme in Manchester. Leading the training programme is Dr Rick Lewis.
“”I’m passionate about mentoring and the potential it has to prepare and strengthen disciples for leadership in mission. Training others for this ministry is a rich and joyful experience as together we learn fresh approaches to discerning how God is working in a person’s life and how to encourage them to respond faithfully. Whether you are an experienced mentor looking to sharpen and diversify your skills or just starting out in mentoring ministry, I’m confident you will find this training to be stimulating, accessible and practical. As a bonus, your own spiritual growth will be enriched.” Rick Lewis.
The aims of the training are to provide practical training as a spiritual mentor; to move beyond education to build competency in mentoring ministry; and to apply training materials to the actual mentoring partnership of trainees. The structure of the training involves four stages: instruction, action, supervision, and reflection.
Each workshop is split into themes, as follows:
Workshop 1: Foundations for Christian Mentoring
Understanding mentoring in relation to other means of personal growth
The value and relevance of mentoring in the contemporary context
Overview of the mentoring cycle
Biblical basis for mentoring
Creating an effective mentoring environment
Getting organised for mentoring
How to discern the most relevant issues
Workshop 2: Applying Mentoring tools and Principles
The place of goal setting in mentoring
Helping people construct their own action steps
Employing prayer and the Bible in mentoring
Questioning and listening skills
Using reflective writing in mentoring
Workshop 3: Developing Mentoring Skills
Varieties of types and styles of mentoring
Providing positive accountability
Issues in mentoring leaders
The mentor as change agent
Personal development paths for mentors and mentorees
The programme is made up of three workshops (two-days per session) and run over nine months at each of our campuses.
For this entire mentoring programme we charge £185.00 which includes training, personal supervision sessions during the nine months, a training book and access to power points. The fee does not cover main meals and accommodation. If you are staying overnight we would encourage you to make these arrangements in advance.
For more information contact: marketing@formission.org.uk
“”Whenever Rick has taught our students they have found him challenging, engaging and inspiring…This has been true of day events and three-day events. Rick has the exceptional gift of being able to draw on his own practice and experience and communicate what he has learned in ways that ministerial students can grasp and make use of.”
– Stephen Finamore, Principal, Bristol Baptist College, United Kingdom