IBCC Lecture Series – Pilots and Soldiers of the Caribbean

Thursday 26 October

Maureen Dickson is the author of the book “Pilots and Soldiers of the Caribbean, Fighting Men of the Caribbean and we are honoured to have her join us at the IBCC in Lincoln as part of our lecture series on October 26th.

Maureen says:

‘I wrote this book because I felt passionate about the fact that there were people of colour who fought for Britain in many conflicts including WWI and WWII, but not many people were aware of their presence, let alone the fact that they held advanced positions such as pilots, and navigators. This is a very important part of history that needed to be told.

I also felt that it was important that this book was not just a list of facts and figures, but about real people and their actual stories, mostly in their own words.

If I had to sum up the theme of the book in one word it would be “Recognition”; giving these servicemen and women the recognition they did not receive, when they joined the service, while in the service and when they left the service.

For those who didn’t come back from the war, they died content in the knowledge that they were fighting to keep democracy alive, not only in Britain but in their own country of birth.

However, those who survived the war lived with the knowledge that they were not appreciated or recognised for what they had done. Even worse, they were aware that they had been airbrushed out of history.’

Pilots and Soldiers of the Caribbean is the story of the human spirit in the brave and talented men of the Caribbean who fought through adversity, in order to achieve their goals and to earn a place at the top table.

This book contains the stories of individuals who were not conscripted but felt compelled to leave their homes in the Caribbean and make the hazardous journey to join ‘The Mother Country’ in their fight against a common enemy.

In doing so many experienced exclusions, discrimination, and a lack of opportunity. Their enthusiasm and abilities were squandered.

For those who succeeded it proved the point that no matter what colour you are when given the same opportunities, everyone is capable of achieving great things.

The evening starts with a delicious hot buffet supper in IBCC The Hub Café.