A Place for Me – Lewisham Migration Stories

Saturday 3th December

A secondary school performance followed by a professional play based on the reminiscences of grandparents of Lewisham school children


A Place for Me is a professional play based on the reminiscences of grandparents of children who attend Lewisham schools. It tells the stories of Clemence and Iris who migrated from the Caribbean to Lewisham in the 1960s.

There will also be a short devised performance created in response to ‘A Place for Me’ by year 7 students from St Mathew Academy.

Peoplescape Theatre create multisensory, accessible and enabling participatory theatre and drama which aims to recognise and promote the value of stories which often go unheard giving voice to histories which are not always in the history books. They were engaged in 2021 by the Tackling Race Inequality steering group of Lewisham Learning and funded to create a project which explored Lewisham Migration stories with schools. The project has been incredibly successful and has been embraced by teachers and children in twenty schools so far across the borough.

This event has been made possible by the funding of the Tackling Race Inequalities programme via Lewisham Learning (Lewisham Council) and Borough of Culture.

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