Windrush 75: A Lambeth Story

Monday 19 June

Guided tour tour of Windrush Generation’s legacy in Brixton


Come and enjoy the fascinating buildings and space that is Windrush Square. From poignant sculptures to eye opening memorials, this square has become the go- to place to understand the Windrush journey. On this tour we will follow the footsteps of this remarkable generation marking their arrival, where they found accommodation, settled and called Lambeth home. View the landmarks to commemorate their achievements and contributions.

22nd June 2023 marks the 75th Anniversary of the Windrush Generation from the docking of S.S Empire Windrush at the port of Tilbury in 1948 with 1027 passengers on board.

Five hundred were from the Caribbean Islands, the majority from Jamaica, mostly men and a few women and children.

Many settled in Brixton creating the community we have today. Come and learn about the milestones of this journey represented in this wonderful Square and locality.

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