What does it mean to be Black in Britain? A community discussion between the old and the young. We welcome you to join us.
Who are we? ‘The Umoja Projects’ are a collective of 5 young women of African, Caribbean descent unifying our individual passions for arts, activism and social awareness. Community is at the heart of what we do. We had our first event on October 7th – a fundraiser to raise money and awareness for Sickle Cell Anaemia.
What? Exploring the Black ‘British’ identity and experience. A key aspect of the event is the carefully curated intergenerational panel. Creating a link between the old & the young, those that were born elsewhere and those that are first and possibly second generation. This will be followed with an arts element to engage the attendees further in an unconventional manner. The night will end with performances from upcoming rappers, poets & spoken word artists of African, Caribbean descent.
All the proceeds from the event will be donated to support local community groups/charities.