Harrow African Season 2019: Get Up Stand Up – Raising The New African Consciousness Programme
The lack of history, self-knowledge and confidence play a large part in the issue of people, particularly youths, being disengaged with their African identity. Our African History Season programme uses audio-visuals and musical performances, motivational speech, film, play, and a pan-Africanism presentation to deal with the issues in an engaging manner by Brother Andrew ‘The Investigator’ Muhammad, Kimba, Kwaku and Nana Asante for a youth and inter-generational audience.
All events @ Members Lounge, Harrow Civic Centre, except *4, which is at : Harrow Mencap, 1st Floor, 3 Jardine House, Harrovian Business Village, Bessborough Rd, Harrow HA1 3EX.
CAUTION: Spaces are limited, so please only book for the dates you can attend.
1. Harrow African History Season Launch: Get Up Stand Up – Raising The New African Consciousness. Friday Oct. 11, 6-9pm Free
Main programme: Bro Andrew ‘The investigator’ Muhammad‘s presentation addresses youths and their engagement to their African identity and confidence. Includes prizes for young participants
Subsidiary programme: a) Music4Causes ft Kimba music performance and b) identity language and ‘politics’ by Kwaku
2. First screening of the completed ‘London African History Through Representations In The Capital’ vox pops documentary by history consultant Kwaku, which highlights streets, buildings, parks and monuments with an African connection. Friday Oct 18, 6-9pm Free
3. ‘Africa: Did You Know?’ A Hip-Hop Musical is a Music4Causes hip-hop musical theatre featuring rapper Kimba. Followed by Q&A. Friday Oct 25, 6-9pm £5 adults, £10 on the day for adults; under-18s Free
*4. ‘Highlighting Pioneering Non-Anglo Diasporan And Continental Pan-Africanists’ presentation by community activist Nana Asante. Monday Nov 4, 6.30-8.30pm Free (@ Harrow Mencap)
Harrow African History Season 2019. For more details: bbmbmc@gmail.com.