The True History Of African/Black History Month In The UK

Monday Nov. 29, 6-9pm

Video-led presentation by history consultant Kwaku shows through use of primary sources and key people how A/BHM UK was introduced in the UK

The True History Of African/Black History Month In The UK
How Black History Month (BHM, now referred to as African History Month, AHM) came to be introduced in the UK and its purpose is often clocked with ahistorical narratives. Using primary sources and interviews with key proponents and champions, history consultant Kwaku’s video will reveal the true history, from its conception in the GLC (Greater London Council) in 1985, its precursor events in 1986, to its birth in 1987 through the LSPU (London Strategic Policy Unit), the subsequent adoption by organisations in and outside London, and the importance of the founding document, the African Jubilee Year Declaration.

Produced by BTWSC/African Histories Revisited in association with BBM/BMC ( Music Congress), TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question), RE:IMI (Race Equality: In Music Industry), the Spirit Of AJY87-88.

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