No justice no peace is a walk in solidarity for those lives stolen through police brutality.
The hashtag Black Lives Matter was created when 18 year old Michael Brown was killed by police in August 2015.
Of course All lives matter however in the eyes of the judicial law black lives do not. We have repetedly been shown that in multiple cases, those who are supposed to protect us can commit a murder and walk free.
Black males are killed everyday to police brutality, this march is happening because enough is enough.
The recent execution that happened to Alton Sterling was the last straw. For some who may not know, Alton Sterling was shot in the head multiple times because he was selling CDs outside a store however the owner was ok with him doing so. Police say they were arresting the man because he had a gun although video footage shows he did not.
This was a senseless murder which cannot go unspoken or unaddressed.
We are strong believers that if you care enough about something you will take a stand for it whether that be in a crowd or on your own. Creating hashtags for every life that is lost because of a senseless killing is not enough, it’s time to take a stand together and say NoJusticeNoPeace.