What histories or social issues do you think the Global African should be aware of or discussing?
Have your say at the Forum marking African History Reflection Day, by exploring history and social issues put forward by the participants!!
African History Reflection Day: The Global African African People’s Forum
The motion for African History Reflection Day (AHRD) to be marked on August 31 was passed in 2014, the centenary year of the founding of the UNIA-ACL (Universal Negro Improvement Association-African Communities League). It’s inspired by UNIA’s Declaration Of The Rights Of The Negro Peoples Of The World, which was adopted on August 13 1920 at a UNIA convention in New York.
In 2021, Costa Rica Vice President Epsy Campbell Barr helped shepherd through the United Nations General Assembly the adoption of the resolution which proclaimed August 31 as the International Day for People of African Descent. This new Day which gives higher profile to the significance of August 31, was revealed by Barr, to be inspired the UNIA Declaration.
This year, AHRD 2022 will be marked by history consultant and TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question) co-ordinator Kwaku leading a forum where the focus will be on exploring history and social issues suggested by the participants.
Ten years ago, TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question) organised a workshop entitled What Does It Mean To Be A Global African?, to explore the meaning. We’ll screen a short video of Prof Sir Hilary Beckles talking about the history of Pan-Africanism and why he now talks about Global Africa.
This is meant to be an inter-generational event, so you are welcome to bring young people to join the Zoom meeting.
See also TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question) Manifesto 2020+</strong> and The Politics Of Racism, Terminologies And Imagery.
Produced by BTWSC/African Histories Revisited and TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question): https:AfricanHistoryPlus.eventbrite.com