Actors For Human Rights: This Is Who I Am

Wednesday 16 February 2022

First-hand accounts of LGBT+ people seeking asylum in the UK read by members of the Actors For Human Rights Network


For LGBT+ History month 2022 St. Margaret’s House are hosting an evening of queer refugee and migrant wellbeing, creativity and activism by ice&fire theatre, Micro Rainbow International and Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants. Expect workshops (join in some yoga, placard making, asylum mapping workshop or maybe even some dancing…), a rehearsed reading and Q&A panel discussion.

“Then they separated us. We tried to say no, we applied for asylum as a couple. They say we don’t have any civil evidence that we are a couple. And we’re like “how can we show you any civil evidence if homosexuality is forbidden in my country?”

First-hand accounts of LGBT+ people seeking asylum in the UK about their experiences in their own country and on arrival in the UK, addressing the particular challenges they face. Read by members of the Actors For Human Rights Network at St. Margaret’s House in Bethnal Green.

“The monologues simply but powerfully illustrate the pain, hurdles and humiliation they encounter and are given an unadorned reading… the accounts speak for themselves and allow a light to be shone on the plight of a particular group of refugees that are ignored or met with incomprehension or minimisation of what they go through.” Audience Member

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