
Thu, 6 February 2020 19:00 – 23:00

7pm to 11pm – Monthly British Black Queer Shorts + Open Mic Night

About this Event

7/11 – Did it! Done it! Doing it well!

February 6th 2020 The Batty Mama is hosting a Monthly Short Film & Opening Mic Night at The Front Room in East Croydon!

The aim of this project is to have a more frequent space to showcase Black Queer Art and provide opportunities for folk to test new work and try out new material. It will also aim to provide online space where we will film and share video interviews and profiles of each artists; film makers, performers and all types of creatives.

The first event event will be a LGBT History Month Special – “Did it! Done it! Doing it well!”. Where we look back at British Black Queer life, legacy and resilience and screen the charming and inspiring “Beyond: There’s always a black issue Dear” + Q&A with cast and crew.

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