SHAW Annual Conference: Black Women’s Activism in the Americas

Friday 1th July

A one-day conference exploring Black Women’s activism in the Americas, including a Show and Tell of relevant British Library collections.


The Society for the History of Women in the Americas (SHAW) annual one-day conference, co-organised with the Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library, builds upon this year’s Institute of Historical Research seminar series theme of Black Women of the political, financial, social, and intellectual elite. The annual conference will further expand on this theme to include Black Women’s activism at every level, from the grassroots to the elite circles, at any point in the history of the Americas.

Papers, panels, and roundtables will engage with the activism, cultural outputs, social and intellectual networks, and life experiences of Black Women activists.

Panels will focus on:

• Angela Davis (and Claudia Jones).

• Black Women’s Voices.

• Institutional Activism.

• A Roundtable on ‘Representations of Black Women: Modern and Historical Depictions’.

The conference will also engage with the British Library’s exhibition, Breaking the News, and the day will include a private Show and Tell session of British Library collection items related to the themes for conference delegates.

The conference welcomes academics at any stage of their career, especially graduate students, as well as those active in civil society groups.

To attend the optional conference dinner, please email by June 27th, 2022, to reserve a space.

Financial assistance for this year’s conference has been provided by the Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library and Manchester Metropolitan University.

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