AFJCV GE2017 Celebration & MSF Lake Chad Emergency Fundraiser

Sunday July 11, 3-6pm

AFJCV (Africans For JC Values) presents in association with TAOBQ (The African Or Black Question) and BBM/BMC ( Music Congress):
AFJCV GE2017 Celebration & MSF Lake Chad Emergency Fundraiser
AFJCV MSF Lake Chad Appeal

OK, you’ve been consumed by the GE2017 elections, worked hard canvassing, etc.
So join us on the first weekend after the general elections! All welcome – come and unwind, and celebrate hope over fear, and help us raise awareness and funds for Medicins Sans Frontieres’ Lake Chad Emergency Appeal.

Book at by donating whatever you can afford. Event takes place Institute Of Education, University Of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL (Russell Sq, Euston Sq, Tottenham Court Road) – full address provided after booking.

The afternoon consists of:
Music + Videos + Ghanaian refreshments + Raffle + Auction including signed bottles & souvenir NME + Networking + Talks + Free bubbly for early arrivals + MSF fundraiser

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