Jah Shaka Sound System has been running for over 50 years, since 1969, playing ‘deep roots reggae dub music’.
Playing for the first time in Cambridge, come hear, feel and experience the Zulu Warrior, King of Sounds, Father of Sound System. Playing in a strictly King David Style, his spiritual message open to each and everyone, as he says, all nations welcome, this is spiritual music for your hearts.
He has harnessed his sound system to project frequencies that reaches the depths of your being, where the physical meets the spiritual. His knowledge and wisdom of sound vibrations, has developed a sound that carries great healing, edifying, inspiring, uplifting, unifying vibrations.
Alongside being a Sound System builder, operator, selector and engineer he is also a composer, producer, singer and song writer, releasing over 40 albums and many more singles, working with so many greats of the roots and dub world, including Rasheda, Roger Robin, Willie Williams, Max Romeo, Horace, Andy, Johnny Clarke, Twinkle Brothers, The Disciples and many more.
Take a deep dive into the themes of our Rise Up exhibition at our series of listening salons…
Thomas Clarkson, ‘Cabinet of Freedom’, Anti-slave trade campaign chest, 1787—8. Reproduced and used with the permission of the Trustees of the Wisbech and Fenland Museum