The Marcus Garvey Annual Pan-Africanism Presentation 2017

Thu 17 August 2017 18:30 – 20:30

One year on from the permanent installatiion of the Marcus Garvey bust in Brent Museum, BTWSC/African Histories Revisited, Friends Of Marcus Garvey Bust Collective and Brent Museum and Archives present the first Marcus Garvey Annual Pan-Africanism Presentation at Willesden Green Library Centre on Marcus Garvey’s birthday August 17, 6.30-8.30pm.

The event will consist of an audio-visual presentation of Garvey’s life and work led by local history consultant Kwaku, followed by a Q&A.

Book to express your interest in attending the first of what’s expected to be an annual event.

Produced in association with Friends Of Marcus Garvey Bust Collective @ WGLC. For enquiries: