Free family language festival with people from more than 20 countries sharing their languages and cultures: Polish, Chinese, Filipino, Italian, Brazilian, Pakistani, Moroccan, Indian, Russian, German, Bulgarian, French, Welsh, Afro-Caribbean, Spanish, Nigerian, Mexican, Indonesian, Chilean and many others.
✅ Performances of international artists
✅ Children’s games and activities from around the world
✅ Fun language games
✅ Language schools
✅ Workshops from around the world, among others: Zumba, African drumming etc.
✅ Children’s arts and crafts
✅ International food stalls
✅ Live arts performances and art exhibitions
✅ Mental health professionals
The Chinese Dragon and Chinese drummers, Mexican dancers, Brazilian capoeira, African drummers and many other artists! A unique celebration of languages and cultures to inspire children to learning about the world.
See more at https://www.worldoflovefestival.co.uk