Birmingham Caribbean Festival

Friday, 29 July 2016 at 11:00 - Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 21:00

The Birmingham Caribbean Festival, one of Birmingham’s mainstream flag-ship events, is taking place in Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, to celebrate Caribbean food, drinks, arts and culture. From 11:00 to 21:00 each day, transport your taste buds to the Caribbean’s most popular dishes and enjoy jerk chicken with rice and peas, ackee and saltfish, brown stew, curried goat, rum and fruit punches. Entertainment for the whole family, including live music, local and international artists, traditional workshops, arts and crafts, poetry, dance and cooking demonstrations from top Caribbean Chefs, including Levi Roots of Reggae, Reggae, sauce. Exhibiting partners and sponsors will display a range of goods and services. Festival after-parties at selected venues across the city. A week-end of food, fun and frivolity – Caribbean style………………

Entry is by a minimum donation of a ‘Festival £1.00’ for adults, free entry for children. Or go for a Festival £5.00 Package which includes entry to the Festival and into our fabulous Prize Draw which includes 7 nights’ Caribbean Cruise for two and two tickets to the Bodyguard staring Beverley Knight and a chance to be photographed with Beverley after the show. See our website for more of our amazing prizes.

Funds towards Festival Costs and local charities.

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