Mental Health, Abuse and Culture in the Black Community

Adira and partners are holding our annual Black mental health conference.

The event aims to bring together experts by experience, organisations, professionals and local community groups to have uncomfortable conversations and to raise awareness in the black community of the issues around mental health, culture and abuse.


To educate and inform people from outside the Black community regarding these issues.


Thriving and not just surviving! Love, diversity and mental health in Black communities…with Professor Divine Charura

The stigma surrounding Black mental health….with Kemi Osobukola

Mental Health Act: the myths, the facts and Us…..with Adelaide Chibanda

Child Abuse in Our Community…..with Michael Peniel

Don’t Brush Us under the Rug…..Naomi Azteez

Mental Health in the Kenyan Community…..Sally Kung’u

Behind closed doors: what is it like on a psychiatric ward?…..Dr Peter Isebor

Black Hair – Detangling the Narrative…..Zara Makinta Adeyemi

Tickets: £10

Date and time: Sat, 15 April 2023, 09:00 – 16:00 BST

Location: St Mary’s Church Bramall Lane Sheffield S2 4QZ

Book Ticket here


Workshop 1

Professor Devine Cherura – Thriving and not just surviving! Love, diversity and mental health in

black communities

Workshop 2

Adelaide Chibanda – Mental health act-what are your rights?

Workshop 3

Sam Taylor – Youth Justice Service TTBC

Workshop 4

Claire Powell UCL – Grill a researcher

Workshop 5

Peter Alleyne & Nisa Chisipochinyi – Inside and Out: Making a difference in the charity sector

Workshop 6

Zara A Makinta – Black Hair: Detangling the Narrative

Workshop 7

Kevin – The Black Family


There is limited parking on site


As a small community organisation, we have had to make the decision to charge a small fee of £10 for all attendees. Please note, this is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances then please feel free to send another attendee in your place.

This is an in-person conference. Registration will begin at 8.30am to ensure a prompt 9.00am start so please plan your journey accordingly.

Venue and guidance around attendance may be subject to change. As we get closer to the conference date, we will inform all attendees of (if any) changes in light of government guidance around public gatherings.

Organiser of Mental Health, Abuse and Culture in the Black Community

Adira is an organisation that supports Black people in the community with mental health issues.