Tottenham Court Road: Creative, Cultural, Colourful

Sunday 28 November - Sunday 5 December 2021

This walk showcases the wonderful road crossings by Yinka Ilori and links them to the culture and creativity of this vibrant area of town


Each of these 17 free walks in this series is intended to celebrate the amazing and colourful new road crossings painted by the award-winning British Nigerian artist Yinka Ilori. The walks are all led by trained Camden Guides. The programme is supported by Camden Council and is part of the London Design Festival and the Let’s Do London Initiative which aims to create joyful moments for all people as they move about the streets of this exciting part of town.

Anyone of any age who lives, works or goes to school in London or anyone from anywhere who wants to learn more about the stories of all the communities who make up London’s population can attend these walks. Wednesday walks last one hour and weekend walks take two hours. There are two special half term events lasting two hours.