Why David Oluwale Matters: race, mental ill-health & homelessness today

Wednesday 10 November 2021

‘Why David Oluwale Matters: “Race”, Mental Health and Homelessness today.’ An educational panel with three Leeds experts of African heritage showing the intersection of the pressing social issues of ‘race’, mental health and homelessness. With creative responses to these issues from Leeds poets.


The panel members are:

  • Alison Lowe (deputy mayor of West Yorkshire, former CEO of Touchstone, serving the inner cities of Leeds)
  • Dr Abiye Hector-Goma (Leeds GP)
  • Heather Nelson (CEO Leeds Black Health Initiative)

With poetry on related themes from Abdullah Adekola, Cherie Taylor Battiste and Emily Zobel Marshall and others.

This event will be of interest to people working in these fields, campaigning on these issues, and those who have experienced these problems — everyone who is changing Leeds for the better, making it a more compassionate, inclusive and equal city.

This event is produced in association with Nigerian Community Leeds and Leeds Beckett University’s School of Cultural Studies and Humanities.

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