An Open Conversation promoted by the LAH Racial Justice Workgroup. CPPD certificate will be provided upon attendance.
Breaking the Chains: Young people, racial trauma and criminal justice
Welcome to the fourth Open Conversation promoted by the London ACEs Hub Racial Justice Workgroup.
In a society where racism is commonplace, how profound are the impacts of racial trauma in criminal justice?
• Both the rates of stop and search, and of school exclusion, for Black and Brown young people are extraordinarily high.
• The proportion of Youth from minority ethnic backgrounds in custody is clearly disproportionate.
What needs to be done to abolish the injustice, remove the trauma and increase resilience and healing?
Participants will have a unique opportunity to hear from expert practitioners in policing, therapy, and services for children, each of whom brings special insights from their experience and knowledge.
The event will present opportunities for discussing challenges and systematic solutions based on shared trauma-awareness and alliances against racism, so that the 4Rs of trauma-informed care can help bring healing and recovery.
There will be opportunities to interact and learn together during the live webinar.