“They ask me where I am from! I say I am a mix. Of both racism and sexism – they lay equally on my skin. Passed down unknowingly by my next of kin.”
Misogynoir [mi-soj-uh-nwar], noun. 1. the specific prejudice directed towards black women where race and gender both influence the bias.
What does it mean to be told to put chemicals in your hair at 5 years old, to straighten out the curls because the way it grows naturally isn’t right? Why does the black beauty market thrive in its skin bleaching department? Why are big lips sultry on Kylie Jenner but ‘nigger lips’ on Ugandan model Aamito Stacie Lagum?
Queens of Sheba is based on a real incident at the DSTRKT Nightclub in 2015 when four women were turned away for ‘being too dark’.
Queens of Sheba draws attention to misogynoir, identifies it and begins to figure some way forward. It departs from the traditional methods of Western storytelling and uses elements of spoken word, physical theatre, dance and music from the African diaspora. The play confronts the status quo, tackles the truth and speaks it. Stripped back, the words take centre stage.
Queens of Sheba is an award-winning five star play by Jessica L. Hagan and adapted for the stage by Nouveau Riché artistic director and co-founder Ryan Calais Cameron. This new co -production with Omnibus Theatre will be touring across the UK visiting 10 venues, supported by Arts Council England. Queens of Sheba was first performed in March 2018 to a sold-out standing ovation at Camden People’s Theatre. The play also won the Untapped Award 2018 and went on to win the coveted Edinburgh Stage Award 2018.
Creative Team
Written by: Jessica L. Hagan
Director: Jessica Kaliisa
Adaptor for Stage: Ryan Calais Cameron
Full cast: To be confirmed
Please note when crediting this production to include both Nouveau Riché and Omnibus Theatre
Harlow Playhouse Theatre, 26th Sept, 7pm
Box Office: 01279 431945/ www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk
HOME Manchester, 1st – 5th Oct, 7pm (Fri and Sat 9pm)
As part of Orbit Festival
Box Office: 0161 200 1500/ www.homemcr.org
NonSuch Studios, Nottingham, 8th – 12th Oct, tbc
Box Office: 01227 787787 / www.wearenonsuch.com
Derby Theatre, Derby, 26th Oct, 8pm
Box Office: 01332 593939/ www.derbytheatre.co.uk
Theatre Deli, Sheffield, 29th – 31st Oct, 7.45pm
Box Office: 0114 278 6500/www.theatredeli.co.uk
Tobacco Factory Theatre, Bristol, 6th – 9th Nov, 8pm
Box Office: 0117 902 0344/www.tobaccofactorytheatres.com
Warwick Arts Centre, Warwick, 13th – 16th Nov, 8pm
Box Office: 024 7652 4524/ www.warwickartscentre.co.uk
Battersea Arts Centre, London, 18th – 23 Nov, 7.30pm
Box Office: 020 7223 2223/ www.bac.org.uk
Lakeside Theatre, Colchester, 28th Nov, 7.30pm
Box Office: 01223 352932 /www.lakesidetheatre.org.uk
The Curve, Slough, 29th Nov, 7.30pm.
Box Office: 01753 875533/ www.thecurveslough.com