Course Title: Masterclass on Child Neglect and Physical Chastisement in Black and African Familes. (Manchester)
Date: 7 March 2019
Delegates: professionals (social workers, school workers, health care professionals) working with Black and African families aiming to improve understanding of cultural practices impacting on child safeguarding and child protection and ability to work successfully with families.
Training Summary
This series of half day Masterclasses will examine the phenomena of child neglect and physical chastisement in Black and African families in London and Manchester, based on our recent research and long-term experience of working with this cohort as part of our work at AFRUCA.
The masterclass will provide practical knowledge and skills for participants to aid assessment and intervention in families in order to prevent neglect and physical abuse towards children. Participants will work in syndicates todiscuss and analyse case studies, thereby enhancing their knowledge and understanding of key issues impacting on children in the families they are supporting.
Training Content
Part One – Introduction to “cultural intelligence” and key cultural frameworks around working with diversity (cultural relativism, stereotyping, false positives, cultural smokescreens). How a lack of cultural intelligence can lead to wrong assessments and impact on children and families.
Part Two – Different causes, forms and effects of child neglect and physical chastisement in relation to UK laws; Influence of culture and religion in child neglect and physical abuse; Link between physical chastisement, child neglect, domestic violence and branding children as witches; The role of the statutory worker in child neglect and physical abuse prevention and early intervention.
Part Three – How professionals can use “cultural intelligence” to enhance successful prevention and early intervention work with families.
Training Outcomes
By the end of the session participants would have:
1.Gained a better understanding of “cultural intelligence” and how it can enhance successful working with families from a diverse ethnic background.
- Developed an enhanced understanding of the range of cultural and religious practices that can influence child neglect and physical abuse and how to provide effective support and intervention in families.
- As statutory professionals working in child protection, gained an increased skills level and confidence in working with clients from African and other ethnic backgrounds.
Training Methodologies
- Syndicated group work exploring case studies on different subjects
- Training presentation exploring issues in-depth and encouraging interactive discussions
- Audio-visual aids (DVD documentaries) to enhance learning on key issues, show different perspectives
- A range of AFRUCA publications and resource materials to take away for further learning, reference
(The Masterclass on 7 March is part of a series of Masterclasses on Child Neglect and Physical Chastisement being held by AFRUCA. Dates for other Masterclasses are: London – 22 March; Manchester 26 April and 14 June 2019. If you are not able to attend on 7 March, please email to check availability for any of the other dates).
We are also able to deliver this Masterclass in-house for agencies who require it for their staff. Please email for further details.
Training Facilitator
Debbie Ariyo is Founder and CEO of AFRUCA. Debbie is a recognised expert in the field of child safeguarding, inclusion and diversity. She has a strong expertise in culture focused specialist work with African children and families in child protection. She has conducted research exploring different forms of harmful practices and the impact on child safeguarding. She has also written and produced many guideline material and safeguarding tools to help raise the skills levels of parents and practitioners to aid child upbringing and prevent abuse. As AFRUCA CEO, Debbie manages AFRUCA’s range or social care programmes and services targeting practitioners, children, families and communities. She has designed, developed and implemented a range of innovative community based programmes on child protection and worked with and trained thousands of parents and practitioners across the UK and in Europe on how to improve their knowledge and skills to ensure better protection for children.