Fiya House is a world-renowned collective of dance artists based in London, and has been a positive and consistent presence in the UK Popping Community since 2012. Founded by Dickson Mbi and Brooke Milliner, the collective aims to provide a platform for dancers to showcase their talent, network with other like-minded artists, and promote growth for the UK Hip Hop scene.
To inspire the next generation of dancers in Greater Manchester, Dickson will be running his famous Friday Fiya House workshop at The Lowry from 7:30-10:30pm. Open to anyone of any skill level, there will be an 1.5hrs class followed by an 1.5hrs Jam.
The workshop will cost £3 or book in advance for Dickson’s show Duende and receive a ticket to the Fiya House workshop for free.
Venue: The Aldridge Studio
Additional information
Times: 7.30pm – 10.30pm
1.5 hours class and 1.5 hours jam session