We are our own Liberators’ Documentary Screening and Q&A

Fri 19 October 2018 18:00 – 20:00

As part of the University of Nottingham’s Black History Month events, the Department of History has organised a screening of the documentary ‘We are our own Liberators’ followed by a Q&A session with Amelia Francis from the Young Historians Project, a non-profit organisation which made the film.

Drawing on personal testimony from activists themselves, the documentary ‘We are our own Liberators’ uncovers the hidden history of the Black Liberation Front. Formed in 1971 by former members of the Black Panther Movement in Britain, the BLF campaigned against police racism and promoted black history and culture amongst black communities in Britain.

For more information on the Young Historians Project please visit their website: https://www.younghistoriansproject.org/