Set in Notting Hill in the 1970s, Tony, a young British man whose family immigrated from Trinidad, reckons with the British black power movement. Through interaction with his brother’s political activity and backlash at his friendship with white peers, he comes to a powerful political realisation.
A key black British film by late-Windrush generation director Horace Ové, Pressure was shelved for almost three years by its funders, the British Film Institute, ostensibly because it contained scenes showing police brutality. It’s the first British feature to be directed by a black filmmaker, an accolade for which Ové holds a Guinness World Record.
We’re very pleased to be joined in conversation by Barbara Beese following the screening. Barbara was one of the “Mangrove 9” who, in the early 1970s, successfully defended themselves both on the streets and in the courts against harassment from the Metropolitan Police. A former member of the British Black Panthers, she has been a life long campaigner to challenge underachievement in education.