Beverley Duguid Glaucoma the ‘silent stealer of sight’

Wednesday 11 October, 6.30pm

Suddenly one night in 2009 Beverley discovered she’d lost her peripheral vision.  That same year she was diagnosed with Glaucoma.  Two operations later her sight is now stable.  Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the UK and those of African or Afro-Caribbean heritage are eight times more likely to develop it.  This talk is about Beverley’s journey in dealing with this disease, her road to recovery through mindfulness and alternative therapies alongside conventional treatment.  She will also discuss how those of African heritage can take steps to prevent the disease from occurring or if detected how to receive the right treatment.

peace negotiator is taken hostage in Central Asia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Free – booking essential

020 8673 1129

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